Source code for tonos_ts4.address

    This file is part of Ever OS.

    Ever OS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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    Copyright 2019-2021 TON LABS, 2022 Everscale Guild

import json

from . import globals
from . import ts4
from .util import *

[docs]class Address: """The :class:`Address <Address>` object, which contains an Address entity. """
[docs] def __init__(self, addr): """Constructs :class:`Address <Address>` object. :param str addr: A string representing the address or None """ if addr is None: addr = '' assert isinstance(addr, str), "{}".format(addr) if addr.startswith(':'): addr = '0' + addr # TODO: check that it is a correct address string self.addr_ = addr
def __str__(self): """Used by print(). :return: A string representing the address :rtype: str """ return 'Addr({})'.format(self.addr_) def __repr__(self): return "Address('{}')".format(self.addr_) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.addr_) def __eq__(self, other): """Сompares the object with the passed value. :param Address other: Address object :return: Result of check :rtype: bool """ Address.ensure_address(other) return self.str() == other.str()
[docs] def str(self): """Returns string representing given address. :return: A string representing the address :rtype: str """ return self.addr_
[docs] def is_none(self): """Checks if address is None. :return: Result of check :rtype: bool """ return self.str() == ''
[docs] def fix_wc(self): """Adds workchain_id if it was missing. :return: Object :rtype: Address """ assert eq(':', self.addr_[0]) self.addr_ = '0' + self.addr_ return self
[docs] @staticmethod def zero_addr(wc = 0): """Creates a zero address instance in a given workchain. :param num wc: Workchain ID :return: Object :rtype: Address """ if wc is None: wc = 0 addr = '{}:{}'.format(wc, '0'*64) return Address(addr)
[docs] @staticmethod def ensure_address(addr): """Raises an error if a given object is not of :class:`Address <Address>` class. :param Address addr: Object of class Address """ assert isinstance(addr, Address), red('Expected Address got {}'.format(addr))
[docs]class Bytes(): """The :class:`Bytes <Bytes>` object, which represents bytes type. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value): """Constructs :class:`Bytes <Bytes>` object. :param str value: A hexadecimal string representing array of bytes """ self.raw_ = value
def __str__(self): return bytes2str(self.raw_) def str(self): return bytes2str(self.raw_) def __repr__(self): return "Bytes('{}')".format(self.raw_) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Bytes): return self.raw_.lower() == other.raw_.lower() elif isinstance(other, str): return self.raw_ == str2bytes(other) return False
[docs]class Cell(): """The :class:`Cell <Cell>` object, which represents a cell. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value): """Constructs :class:`Cell <Cell>` object. :param str value: A base64 string representing the cell """ assert isinstance(value, str) self.raw_ = value
def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return "Cell('{}')".format(self.short_raw()) def short_raw(self): t = self.raw_; if (len(t) > 16): t = t[:13] + '...' return t def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Cell): return self.raw_ == other.raw_ return False
[docs] def is_empty(self): """Checks if the cell is empty. :return: Result of check :rtype: bool """ return globals.EMPTY_CELL == self.raw_
[docs]class Msg: """The :class:`Msg <Msg>` object, which represents a blockchain message. :ivar str id: Message ID :ivar Address src: Source address :ivar Address dst: Destionation address :ivar str type: Type of message (`empty`, `unknown`, `bounced`, `event`, `answer`, `external_call`, `call_getter`) :ivar value: The value attached to an internal message :ivar str method: Called method/getter :ivar dict params: A dictionary with parameters of the called method/getter """
[docs] def __init__(self, data): """Constructs Msg object. :param dict data: Dictionary with message data """ assert isinstance(data, dict) # print(data) = data = data['id'] if 'src' in data: self.src = Address(data['src']) self.dst = Address(data['dst']) self.type = data['msg_type'] self.timestamp = data['timestamp'] self.log_str = data['log_str'] if self.is_event(): self.event = data['name'] if self.is_call() or self.is_answer(): self.method = data['name'] if not self.is_type('empty', 'unknown'): self.params = data['params'] self.value = None if not self.is_type('event', 'answer', 'external_call', 'call_getter'): self.value = data['value'] self.bounced = data['bounced'] if self.is_unknown() and self.bounced: self.type = 'bounced'
[docs] def is_type(self, type1, type2 = None, type3 = None, type4 = None, type5 = None): """Checks if a given message has one of requested types. :param str type1: A name of desired type :param str type2: optional - A name of desired type :param str type3: optional - A name of desired type :param str type4: optional - A name of desired type :param str type5: optional - A name of desired type :return: Result of check :rtype: bool """ return self.type in [type1, type2, type3, type4, type5]
[docs] def is_type_in(self, types): """Checks if a given message is one of requested types. :param list types: A list of strings of type names :return: Result of check :rtype: bool """ return self.type in types
[docs] def is_answer(self, method = None): """Checks if a given message is of an *answer* type. :param str method: optional - Desired name of a function answered :return: Result of check :rtype: bool """ return self.is_type('answer') and (method is None or self.method == method)
[docs] def is_call(self, method = None): """Checks if a given message is of a *call* type. :param str method: optional - Desired name of a function called :return: Result of check :rtype: bool """ return self.is_type('call') and (method is None or self.method == method)
[docs] def is_empty(self): """Checks if a given message is of an *empty* type. :return: Result of check :rtype: bool """ return self.is_type('empty')
[docs] def is_event(self, name = None, src = None, dst = None): """Checks if a given message is of an *event* type. :param str name: Desired name of event to check :param str src: Desired source address of event to check :param str dst: Desired destination address of event to check :return: Result of check :rtype: bool """ if self.is_type('event') and (name is None or self.event == name): if src is None or eq(src, self.src, msg = 'event.src:'): if dst is None or eq(dst, self.dst, msg = 'event.dst:'): return True return False
[docs] def is_unknown(self): """Checks if a current message is of an *unknown* type. :return: Result of check :rtype: bool """ return self.type == 'unknown'
[docs] def is_bounced(self): """Checks if the given message is bounced. :return: Result of check :rtype: bool """ return self.type == 'bounced'
[docs] def is_getter(self): """Checks if the given message is a getter call. :return: Result of check :rtype: bool """ return self.type == 'call_getter'
[docs] def dump_data(self): """Dumps message data. """ dump_struct(
def __str__(self): return ts4.dump_struct_str(
class Params: def __init__(self, params): assert isinstance(params, dict), '{}'.format(params) # String key means structure. Integer keys means mapping for key in params.keys(): assert isinstance(key, str) self.__raw__ = params self.transform(params) def transform(self, params): if isinstance(params, dict): for key in params: value = params[key] if isinstance(value, dict): value = Params(value) if isinstance(value, Bytes) and ts4.decoder.strings is True: value = str(value) if isinstance(value, list): value = [ for x in value] setattr(self, key, value) @staticmethod def stringify(d, max_str_len = 67): arr = [] for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): arr.append(f'{(k)}: {{{Params.stringify(v)}}}') if isinstance(v, str): v = v if len(v) <= max_str_len else v[:max_str_len] + '...' arr.append(f'{(k)}: {(v)}') else: arr.append(f'{(k)}: {(v)}') return (', ').join(arr) def tr(self, x): if isinstance(x, dict): return Params(x) return x def make_params(data): if isinstance(data, dict): keys = list(data.keys()) # String key means structure. Integer keys means mapping if keys != [] and isinstance(keys[0], str): return Params(data) else: res = dict() for k in keys: res[k] = make_params(data[k]) return res if isinstance(data, list): return [make_params(x) for x in data] return data def prettify_dict(d, max_str_len = 67): nd = {} for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): nd[k] = prettify_dict(v, max_str_len = max_str_len) elif isinstance(v, str): nd[k] = v if len(v) <= max_str_len else v[:max_str_len] + '...' elif isinstance(v, Address): nd[k] = ts4.format_addr(v, compact = False) elif isinstance(v, Cell): nd[k] = v.short_raw() else: nd[k] = v return nd